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Omnichannel Strategies – Creating Growth and Value for Retail

In the current business landscape, success is no longer defined solely by transactions and profits; it’s about cultivating meaningful connections with customers. Welcome to the new era where Customer Experience (CX) and Customer Engagement (CE) are pivotal. The same holds true for the retail industry.

Every interaction must be a delightful exchange from discovery to purchase, ensuring a seamless buyer journey. Technological disruptions, digitization, demanding customer needs, and changing shopping behavior add to the constantly changing marketplace. Currently, top of mind is adopting retail strategies that seamlessly integrate the digital and physical domains into a unified, customer-centric approach, better known as omnichannel retail.

What is Omnichannel Retail?

The term ‘omnichannel’ refers to ‘all channels’, and when positioned as a prefix to ‘retail’, it becomes a requirement for survival in the digital age. Research conducted by Salesforce shows that more than 76% of consumers expect companies to understand and address their needs across all channels. 

An omnichannel retail strategy is a business approach that creates a synergy between online platforms, physical stores, and other touchpoints to ensure a smooth and efficient buyer journey. It provides multiple purchasing channels to connect with customers, thereby increasing footprints and driving sales. To be precise, it’s all about ensuring seamless transitions in retail operations. 

To have a better understanding of the concept, let’s discuss the three core pillars of omnichannel:

Why Do You Need Omnichannel Retail

Imagine when a traffic signal is not working at a bustling intersection. Traffic jams, and confusion, for both drivers and pedestrians. Don’t you think this intersection will become a potential hotspot for accidents and delays? On the same grounds, omnichannel strategies are essential to coordinate various channels for an impactful retail experience. The lack of coordination often results in inventory shortages, duplicate orders, order mismatches, and a sluggish click-to-customer cycle. 

The research reports by the Aberdeen Group and Aspect Software support the belief. These show that retail companies with omnichannel strategies can retain 89% of their customers with 91% greater year-over-year customer retention rates. Moreover, a study by the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) reveals that a robust omnichannel presence increases the average transaction value by 1.7%. This adds to the essence and impact. 

Let’s dig deeper into the benefits of omnichannel retailing, which has eventually become a fundamental consumer expectation. Here are some of the most important benefits of this approach to retailing:

What are the Best Omnichannel Retail Strategies 

An accelerated click-to-customer cycle is the aspiration of all retailers in the business landscape. Moreover, the action and responses in the face of survival challenges require implementing best practices. Let’s zero in some of the best omnichannel strategies that can give an edge to your business: 

Strategy 1: Unified Technology System 

A successful omnichannel strategy requires a robust and integrated technology system for seamless communication, data management, and real-time inventory tracking. This should be integrated with advanced technologies like API (Application Programming Interfaces (Artificial Intelligence). This helps synchronize customer data in real-time across multiple platforms and channels. As a result, retailers can visualize a consolidated view of all online and offline inventories, assisting brands with data-driven decision-making.  

Strategy 2: Integrated Logistics Management 

Product availability across all channels is crucial for effective inventory management and distribution strategies. This is possible with an integrated and optimized supply chain across the spectrum that includes streamlined order fulfillment, real-time inventory visibility, multi-location warehousing, and optimized last-minute delivery. For a smoother course, technologies like RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification), IoT (Internet of Things), predictive analytics, and AI (Artificial Intelligence) algorithms should be integrated. 

Strategy 3: Seamless Payment Options 

A broad spectrum of secure and convenient payment options is one way to ensure frictionless transactions. It includes multiple options like integrating popular mobile wallet services, installment options, buy now, pay later services, contactless payment solutions, loyalty program integration, and global payment compatibility. Furthermore, stating the security protocols through encryption and secure sockets layer (SSL) technology strengthens customer trust. This works to accommodate diverse customer preferences and drive omnichannel success. 

Strategy 4: Cross-Channel Analytics 

Data analytics provides a better understanding of customer behaviors, preferences, and dynamics across all channels. This helps management make better knowledge-driven choices about inventory, marketing, and customer services. The approach involves utilizing predictive analytics for inventory management, behavioral analysis for targeted marketing, and customer journey analysis to provide insights into touchpoints. Additionally, implementing dynamic pricing based on real-time markets ensures responsiveness to fluctuating and ever-evolving markets.  

Strategy 5: Performance Evaluation

Consistency is the key to displaying uniformity in marketing efforts and business practices and measuring the outcomes of the implemented approaches. Retail success relies on specific key performance indicators (KPIs), including customer retention rate, conversion rates, sales related to each channel, inventory turnover, and YOY sales. Scrutinizing these metrics provides a deeper understanding of customer behavior and preferences, strengthening the impact of omnichannel strategies.  

Retail companies with omnichannel strategies can retain 89% of their customers with 91% greater year-over-year customer retention rates.


It is now evident that omnichannel is not just a trend but a game-changer, a fundamental shift for retail business. Retail businesses must adopt an omnichannel strategy in order to remain competitive and thrive.

Identifying, selecting, integrating, and deploying the various omnichannel strategies that are best for your business can be daunting. Understanding the complexities of these strategies and the technological tools needed is key to a successful omnichannel transformation.

Navigate Omnichannel Strategies with delaPlex

At delaPlex, we strive to become your trusted partner to leverage omnichannel strategies that are best for your business. Our team will access your current strategies, identify gaps, pinpoint areas that will be most impacted, and develop a roadmap for how to best navigate the omnichannel environment. Our value lies in being at the forefront of technology and best practices and understanding the importance of collaboration to deliver measurable results.

Ready to get started and transform your business? Contact us today.

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